Pixerina Witcherina consists of works by women who address transformative forces, mythic location, and fairy-tale influence. Taking its title from an imaginary language that Virginia Woolf created to converse secretly with her niece, the work in Pixerina Witcherina transforms the representational assumptions of the narrative into whimsically abstracted visual yarns that thrive on a sense of storytelling. Ironically, the work of these women embraces the power of myth while deconstructing it, building feminine divinity for the contemporary age.
Artists: Karen Arm, Meghan Boody, Bonnie Collura, Margaret Curtis, Amy Cutler, Katharina Fritsch, Margi Geerlinks, Hillary Harkness, Claudia Hart, Julie Heffernan, Julia Latane, Tracey Moffatt, Maria Porges, Amy Sillman, and Elena Sisto
Karen Arm
Untitled (Stars)
Acrylic on canvas
44 x 36 inches
Meghan Boody
Psyche Sees
Fujiflex print
56 1/2 x 41 1/2 inches
Bonnie Collura
Pursuit of Happiness
Fiberglass, resin, and paint
67 x 53 x 44 inches
Margaret Curtis
Broken Horizon
Oil on Linen
24 x 80 inches
Amy Cutler
Tea Pot Head
Gouache on paper
17 x 13 inches
13 x 17 inches
17 x 13 inches
Margi Geerlinks
Fujichrome, perspex, and dibond
49 1/4 x 60 inches
Hilary Harkness
View of a Slaughter Yard
Oil on panel
13 x 11 3/4 inches
Claudia Hart
Nightmare for Tinky-Winky
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 60 inches
Julie Heffernan
Self Portrait as Infanta Dreaming Madame de Sade
Oil on Canvas
67 x 58 inches
Julia Latané
Fairy Ring
192 x 192 x 84 inches
Tracey Moffatt
Invocations 13
Photo and silkscreen on paper
48 1/2 x 43 1/2 Inches
Maria Porges
Names of Magic 3
Wood, beeswax, and applied text
21 x 24 x 6 Inches